Monday, November 2, 2015

Origin of the Horse

The Five Main Evolutionary Stages

Please prepare some facts about each evolutionary stage of the horse (i.e. what era did it appear, what size was it, how did the hoof/foot look, where did it live and eat, other).

Hoof Evolution

  1. Observe the four sets of foot bones. Circle the hoof on each toe.
  2. Write down differences you see between the four sets of foot bones.
  3. How did the bones in horse feet change over time?
  4. Write whether you think the horse lived in forest or grasslands, explain your choices.
Teeth Evolution
  1. Observe the four teeth above, write down differences you see.
  2. How did horse teeth change over time?
  3. How does the shape and size of the teeth relate to the environment that the horse lived in?


  1. its like the foots are mosh together and the skull like dot bigger and then it got the body big when eve they eat.

  2. era did it appear, what size was it, how did the hoof/foot

  3. era did it appear, what size was it, how did the hoof/foot

  4. 32tn gewdjcy7h3bet gr

  5. i lick harse hares is coll and liv et

  6. i em fuve an liv harseys
